Lions-piiri 107A ry - Lionsdistrikt 107A rf

We serve - Me palvelemme - Vi hjälper


A-piirin tulevat tapahtumat

Piirin 107-A kalenteri


Save the date: Lions Euro Africa Webinar - Saturday 2021  - Jan. 23rd 15:00 – 16:30 CET

Dear Lions,

We are aware that we are responsible for our lives and the future of our children. Young people remind us of this by their actions. We have learned that people in Africa and Europe have to solve many problems together. We know: it is high time to act. But covid 19 forces us to stay home. So we meet online, in a webinar.

What can you expect?
  • Some lectures/presentations on how to implement the following topics
    o Help for children up to 10 years after Covid 19
    o Greening rural areas for environment and climate protection, food safety and self reliance
    o Water management and supply
    The focus will be on options for how projects not on projects themselves
  • Discussion between participants and experts
  • African and European participants meeting directly, an opportunity to establish direct contacts between clubs and districts of both continents.
What results do we want to achieve?
  • Direct dialogues
  • Partnerships between clubs and districts for joint projects
  • Better mutual understandin
We cordially invite you:
  • Take part (free of charge)!
  • Get to know interesting conversation partners!
Collect and develop ideas!

Register by filling out the attached form and send it to
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We will send you program and the access data from 10 January 2021. We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2021.
We look forward to meeting you!


Gudrun Bjørt Yngvadottir
Immediate Past President of LCI
Chairperson of LCIF


Hermann Heinemann
Chairperson Euro Africa Committee

 Gudrun    Heineman



Registration Form   Invitation
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